If you invest some time in teaching yourself how to maintain and repair your plumbing system, your efforts are going to be apparent. It will come across that you do care about the upkeep, and that you feel the need to make sure that everything is working properly all on your own. This is something that should be admired. Like any other skill that you have, there is always ways to improve and add to what you know. Read on for some handy advice.
You should have your septic tank pumped once every five years for best performance. This prevents sediment from building up in the tank and causing a backup into your home or causing the failure of the septic system itself. In this case, the cost of prevention definitely outweighs having your septic backing up into your house or failing.
To prevent pipes from freezing, don’t let temperatures drop under freezing in your home, and insulate external pipes. But, be advised that your pipes may freeze if the surrounding temperature near those pipes is less than freezing. It can take a while for the pipes to thaw, which means you will not be able to run water for quite some time. However, they could burst, and that could make a mess and result in a big repair bill.
Only pay pay the plumber once the job is done. You may need to pay some money in the beginning, though you should not pay the full cost until you can be certain that the job was done correctly. It is vital that you check your plumber has done all the work he promised before you have over the full payment. This will protect you against being scammed by fraudulent tradesmen.
If you get your water from a well and orange or pink stains appear in your sink or tub, then you can be sure that the culprit is iron in your water. You will need a water softener in order to take care of this problem, which you could purchase at a local store, or hire someone to go to your home and fix it for you.
Schedule one plumber to take care of all your issues in one single visit. You might be tempted to have a plumber come out for every little thing that happens, but kicking the can on some issues until you have a list means you can save a few bucks. Because most plumbers charge labor by the hour on top of a flat call rate, you can significantly reduce your bill by reducing the trips they make to your home.
You should clean your septic tank every five years! Doing so will help to avoid septic tank problems by ensuring that the tank does not become clogged with sediment. It may be a bit expensive to pump a septic tank, but it will be very expensive to clean up an emergency sewage problem.
Use baking soda and one cup of vinegar per month to keep the bathtub drain clear and running well. The combination will cause a chemical reaction, so just place a cloth or other object over the drain after pouring. Wait for a little while, and then pour boiling water down the drain. This method should clear your pipes of accumulated hair and soap scum.
Overflow Holes
Ensure your overflow holes aren’t clogged up. The overflow holes help prevent a sink from spilling. When blocked, they don’t work properly and the water can spill out onto the floor. Clean overflow holes as part of your annual maintenance, and any other time you are handling general plumbing repairs.
Wait to give compensation to a plumber until they are finished with their work. Sometimes it is required to put a little money down before the job starts, but don’t ever pay the whole amount before you know the task is done correctly. This ensures that the plumber fully completes the job before getting paid.
You may already be an expert plumber or at least have some basic plumbing knowledge and skills. If so, that’s great. However, even the most expert plumber can still learn more about his craft, and hopefully the tips you just read helped you gain a little more knowledge. Perhaps you have acquired some go-to plumbing truths.